Our Team

Bob Kirschner

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Bob possess extensive experience developing and leading businesses in several industries across North America and internationally. He is passionate about Childcare and the benefits of cognitive, social, emotional and physical development to young children. Bob has led the operations, real estate, sales, human resources, marketing, and financial functional areas for childcare providers and suppliers to the childcare industry, from start-ups to mature brands.

Bob stands ready to use his experience and expertise to assist you in analyzing, valuing, selling, or buying an operating childcare center, the land to build a new school, an existing building to acquire and convert, or buying a closed childcare center to convert to your brand.

Dan Wirtz


Dan founded Windsor Realty Group almost 25 years ago. Windsor represents clients in location selection, involving business and real estate acquisitions, and business and location leasing. Dan’s experience has spanned several industries, including childcare, and he is known for his target market real estate approach to helping his clients find the best possible locations in the fastest possible time frame. Windsor has a team of dedicated real estate professionals across the U.S. to provide services on a nationwide basis. Dan’s reputation of being an expert at finding the right location has resulted in Windsor being selected to represent and expand many well known brands.